Build Your "Garage Mahal"

garage mahal

A garage is a wonderful thing. Even in its most basic form, it’s convenient and multi-functional. It can hold cars, double as storage, protect from the weather, and act as the main door to a home.

But wait, it can also be so much MORE.

Just like Cinderella, your already fantastic garage can turn into a crazy beautiful date to the ball. With a little extra attention, a small makeover and some creativity, your garage can transform into something more than a space for your cars, it can be a dream come true.

Check out these ideas:

  1. At-home Gym Space: If you have a little extra room, go ahead and lay down some mats, set up your weights, bands, spin bike, yoga mat or any other body sculpting gear and there you go. If you have a little extra dough, you can even trick it out with a garage heater so you can pump that iron year-round.
  2. Garage Bar: This could go one of two ways—you could evict your cars, add permanent fixtures, get that pool table in there, and build yourself a full-sized bar with stools, OR you could stick a smaller bar in the corner and add some temporary amenities like foldable seats and tables. Either way, invite your friends and neighbors, throw a few neon signs on the wall, and you’re in business!
  3. Play Space: Looking for more spots for the children to burn energy? Look no further than the garage. Especially in the cooler months, the garage can be a safe, warm (er) and fun, place for your kids to scooter, roller blade, jump or climb. Simply lock away any hazardous chemicals or oils, move the cars to the driveway or street, throw down mats, pull out toys, and play away.
  4. Workshop: Tool benches generally rest against walls underneath peg boards for hanging. Garages have walls, it’s a perfect fit! They also have lots of great corners for tool storage and nice cement floors that are easy to sweep. Seems like a great space for building that chair or cutting that shiplap for your dream home entry way.
  5. Large Group Gathering Space: If the basement won’t do and that Old Man Winter is in town, the garage is the next best place to host your family and friends. Set up those tables, rent a few heaters and there you go. It’s close to the kitchen and can easily double as a larger dining space or a second living room. Cheers!

There are many options. Your garage can be a safe haven, a gathering space, a transformation agent, a hub or a watering hole. It can be so much more. And the best part is it’s right out your door. Here’s to your new “Garage Mahal.”

As always, Jim’s Garage Door Service is here to help you with all your garage door needs. We’re experts at installation, repair, creative solutions and so much more. Call us for a free estimate, or just to say hello.

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